The Wistaston Community Council 100 Club
The 100 club is run by the Wistaston Community Council to raise funds to be used by the Council for organising events and charitable contributions in Wistaston. Approximately 50% of the income is used for this purpose and 50% is returned in prize money to the owner of the lucky numbers drawn out each 4 weeks.
13 draws are held each year at a total cost of £26 per year per number. Each subscription is matched to a number for the life of that membership. There is a maximum of 120 members. Members may Join or Leave the club at there choosing, each draw every 4 weeks costs £2. I request where possible to reduce the collectors and my workload that members pay once for the year or twice ie. half yearly.
The prize money is distributed as follows: 1x£100, 3x£50, 9x£25 and 55x£10, that is a total of 68 prizes over the year totaling £1,025. These prize monies are totally dependant on membership numbers and may be adjusted if membership changes. However the approximate 50% split of income will remain the same.
Anyone interested please contact John Lomax, Tel. 01270 663037.